Feeling stuck?
Sometimes the hardest part of finishing a task is just getting started. It’s easy to get distracted, bogged down, procrastinate, get intimidated, and/or forget. We let “life get in the way” of things and before we know it, days, weeks, months, years have passed, and we still haven’t accomplished the task, the goal, that one thing we’ve been meaning to do for ages. It happens to the best of us. (To me. It happens to me.)
Want to stop looking back and wishing you’d gotten started years ago? Okay. Read on, my friend:
Just do it. Seriously. In every sense of the phrase - just put one foot in front of the other. Don’t think about it, just do it. If you stop and think about it, you’ll talk yourself out of it, just as you have for all these years. Your beginning may be sloppy, but it’s a start.
Break it up into smaller increments. This will make it more manageable and you’ll be less likely to feel overwhelmed.
Make a list. Get it down on paper so that you can see it. Write down every step of the task and then cross them off as you complete them.
Get an accountability partner. Whether that’s your spouse, best friend, mom, mentor, etc - find someone who will check in with you to see how it’s going and isn’t afraid to hold your feet to the fire a little. You need you a built-in drill sergeant my friend!
Delegate. Is there a part of this task that someone else can do? Or, at the very least, help you do? Knowing you’re not alone and you have someone who will ease the load can give you that boost you need. Don’t be afraid to ask for help and don’t be afraid to delegate. Even if you feel like they won’t do it as good as you. Listen — it needs to get done so girl, let someone else take a crack at it!
We can think ourselves right out of a project sometimes. We can feel ourselves right out, too. The key is to put on your “I mean business hat” (bonus points if you actually have a hat that says that) and roll up your sleeves and GET IT DONE.
You got this!